  • feature added
  • feature removed
  • bugfix
Bei dem Update einer Version vor 2.7.6 auf die aktuelle Version kann es je nach Servereinstellung zu einer Fehlermeldung kommen. Wenn WordPress sich im Anschluss jedoch normal verhält, ist das Update ist trotzdem ordnungsgemäß durchgeführt worden.

Version 3.1.2, pdf-Version 0.1.7 (12.04.2023)
  • Switching to the next image did not work if image comments were disabled.
  • Increased standard thumbnail size to 250px.
Version 3.1.1, pdf-Version 0.1.7 (13.03.2023)
  • Fixed an error due to changed base64 encoding in the backend.
  • Code cleanup.
Version 3.1.0, pdf-Version 0.1.6 (26.02.2023)
  • Fixed encoding issues in image comments and possibly other places due to erroneous base64 encoding.
  • Code cleanup and documentation.
Version 3.0.9, pdf-Version 0.1.6 (26.01.2023)
  • It is now possible to delete all projects within a group and delete a group with all contained projects.
  • It is now possible to apply an action to multiple projects within a group.
  • Code documentation.
Version 3.0.8, pdf-Version 0.1.6 (25.01.2023)
  • The project comment can now be replaced with a template after the project creation.
  • On changing a setting in PhotoMark, the hint text will be shown if available.
  • On changing a mail template or text template in PhotoMark, the available shortcodes will be shown.
  • There was a warning/error while creating a settings backup.
  • PHP debugging is not neccessarily activated together with the PhotoMark debug mode and is available as seperate option.
  • Fixed a small error in the picture comment system (missing base64 conversion).
  • Minor code simplification and documentation.
  • Build system fixes.
Version 3.0.7, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (03.01.2023)
  • It is now possible to sort customers in the customer administration.
Version 3.0.6, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (02.01.2023)
  • The second update server will now only be accessed using https.
  • Slightly changed online-check.
Version 3.0.5, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (02.01.2023)
  • Year bump.
Version 3.0.4, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (12.06.2023)
  • Picture comments are now more safe for special characters.
Version 3.0.3, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (14.11.2022)
  • Fixed a bug which made it impossible to save setting changes on some servers.
Version 3.0.2, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (09.11.2022)
  • The customer login page allways stated „Falsches Kennwort“ even if no password was typed in.
Version 3.0.1, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (21.09.2022)
  • Order comment was not saved and there were issues finishing the order.
  • Automatically selecting Intro images was not working.
  • Slightly changed the beavior of (un)locking projects/customers. If a project and all its customers are locked, unlocking the project wil also unlock all customers.
  • Fixed an error message occuring on offline-servers.
  • The shortcode-menu in the PhotoMark settings was not visible.
  • Started code documentation.
Version 3.0.0, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (03.09.2022)
  • Removed an not needed stylesheed from a thrid-party. THere should not be any requests from another website due to PhotoMark anymore.
  • Fixed an issue concerning the automatic shortcode insertion into a new WordPress site.
Version 2.9.9, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (18.08.2022)
  • Fixed issues concerning the demo servers.
  • There were issues uninstalling the plugin.
Version 2.9.8, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (10.08.2022)
  • Fixed a minor issue in the debug/benchmark stack.
Version 2.9.7, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (02.08.2022)
  • When creating a Project using an existing user, the respective user data was not loaded.
Version 2.9.6, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (26.07.2022)
  • Many Checkboxes in the settings could not be disabled.
  • Preparations for invoice plugin.
  • Code cleanup.
Version 2.9.5, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (05.07.2022)
  • Fixed PHP Warnings, which blocked the creation of a testaccount .
Version 2.9.4, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (03.07.2022)
  • Minor design changes for the manual Newsletter.
  • Fixed a small design issue with buttons for some themes.
  • Fixed an error for older PHP Versions.
Version 2.9.3, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (02.07.2022)
  • It is possible to send a free text newsletter to all customers of a project.
  • AGB-page will be hidden using js (should fix projects which are locked due to the AGB-page)
  • The configuration was mostly rewritten (renamed some constants, functionalised checkbox processing).
  • Began to simplify the frontend javascript.
  • Fixed upload errors, when memory_limit is 0.
  • Functionalised some setting checkboxes.
  • Code cleanup.
Version 2.9.2, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (31.05.2022)
  • It was not possible to get a testaccount due to a parsing error in CLI mode.
  • If the memory_limit was set to -1 it was not possible to upload images.
  • The image selection was not force-updated before loading the summary and sending the selection in the cached galery mode (the fix is only a temporary workaround).
Version 2.9.1, pdf-Version 0.1.5 (22.05.2022)
  • Picture upload was impossible.
  • Fixed an issue with the shipping options.
  • PDF Plugin: code cleanup.
Version 2.9.0, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (22.05.2022)
  • Processing of strings rewritten for PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • CSV-Export: Project group will also be exported.
  • Send or refresh passwords of multiple projects at once in the project administration.
  • New options in the expert tab to set the next project-id and customer-id to a higher value.
  • Batch project creation: first and last name of customers were swapped.
  • Added a buttion in the customer administration to swap the first and last name.
  • It was not possible to delete unmarked images in the project administration.
  • Fixed a lot of PHP warnings and errors, which were especially present when using the debug mode.
Version 2.8.9, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (23.03.2022)
  • It is now possible to change the order of data fields for the batch creation of projects.
  • Fixed warning messages in batch processing.
  • Fixed an error which hindered opening large images on some servers.
Version 2.8.8, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (17.03.2022) Version 2.8.7, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (22.02.2022)
  • Fixed multiple errors linked to the shipping options. Wrong option was submitted, submitting the order may have been impossible, PHP errors were displayed in some cases.
  • Checkboxes and inputfields are now disabled if the project is locked.
  • A „* field requiered“ and some „*“ were missing.
  • Fixed minor design issues with some current WP standard themes.
Version 2.8.6, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (16.12.2021)
  • Fixed an error occuring during plugin activation.
Version 2.8.5, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (05.12.2021)
  • Fixed some minor design issues in the backend (responsive).
  • Opeing the summary does not add a filter to only display selected images.
  • The „open summary PDF“ buttion is now visible in the summary popup.
  • Code optimizations.
Version 2.8.4, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (01.12.2021)
  • The summary could not be closed after removing an image.
Version 2.8.3, pdf-Version 0.1.4, LR plugin 0.2.2 (28.11.2021)
  • PhotoMark is now waiting longer for the server to respond in standard galery mode after the first failed attempt.
  • Updated english translationt.
  • LR-Plugin: Status message mentiones the current project, the images are uploaded to.
  • LR-Plugin: It is now more obvious if a new project is created.
  • LR-Plugin: Now using GET and POST to communicate with the PhotoMark plugin to avoid some incompatibilities.
Version 2.8.2, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (24.11.2021)
  • Fixed warnings while uploading images via LR-plugin/FTP
  • The project comment was scambled after crating a project via LR-plugin and the batch processing.
  • The used LR-version is now shown in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Improved the debugging and fixed an issue which avoided the sending of debugging data on some systems.
  • Adressed minor issues with a theme incompatibility.
  • Minor code improvements.
Version 2.8.1, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (02.11.2021)
  • Download archives will be deleted after reuploading an image or multiple images.
  • Added a note, that there are unsolved Dropbox-issues.
Version 2.8.0, pdf-Version 0.1.4 (30.10.2021)
  • Added an option to automatically enable the customer download after uploading edited images.
  • A WordPress page containing the shortcode PhotoMark can now be created using a single click.
  • Code cleanup and preparations for the invoice plugin.
  • PDF: PHP 8.0 compatbility.
  • PDF: fixed an issue with missing background image for QR code cards.
Zum Changelog (beta – 2.6.4)